Artificial intelligence battles with Human
*Advancements in AI Technology* Qualcomm's "AI-First" vision for smart devices is changing the game, making devices more intelligent, personal, and responsive ¹. AMD is also making significant strides in AI, with its 1-billion parameter large language models performing exceptionally well ¹. Apple is offering in-store AI experiences, allowing users to interact with the technology [2). *Tech Innovations* Feather-inspired airplane flaps could boost flight performance ². Scientists have traced all 54.5 million connections in a fruit fly's brain ². A phone app could help people have lucid dreams ². *Space Exploration* Uranus may have looked weird when NASA's Voyager 2 flew by due to a solar wind event ². A cosmic census has tripled the known number of black holes in dwarf galaxies ². *Cybersecurity Concerns* Cybercriminals are exploiting young gamers' innocence for financial gain ¹. The streaming television industry has been accused of operating a massive data-driven surveillance apparatus ¹
Artificial intelligence